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Alien 327-X | Pre-build coils | AM KustOhm | Dual 0.12Ohm


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Alien 327-X | Pre-build coils | AM KustOhm | Dual 0.12Ohm

Alien 327-X | Pre-build coils | AM KustOhm | Dual 0.12Ohm

Alien 327-X: 3×27/36ga, 5 wrap, 3mm Inner Diameter at 0.12Ohm

To prevent any short-circuit on the coils, use tweezers with ceramic tips.

  • Ensure your coils are installed close to the build deck – short coil legs.
  • Pulse the coils at 30 – 40 watts (pulsing the coils for 0.5 – 1 second at a time until the coils are glowing).
  • Use a ceramic tweezer to squeeze each coil.
  • While pulsing the coils, check for any hot spots (brighter glowing parts).
  • Lightly strum the the area with a ceramic tweezer until no hot spots are visible.
  • After pulsing the coils and checking for hot spots, ensure all post screws are firmly tightened.
  • Before wicking, leave the coils for about 30 seconds to cool down.
  • Make sure to use enough cotton for the wicking. You should be able to move your vape by lightly tugging at the wick.  Medium Resistance between wick and coil


  • DO NOT use a wire/coil brush to clean the coils.
  • After removing old wick, drop wattage to 20 – 30 watts, pulse the coils until they’re glowing.
  • Wait 20 seconds and dunk the coils in luke warm water.
  • Repeat until any gunk has cleared out of coil.
  • Dry the coils with a paper towl.
  • Remove the atomiser from vape and rinse under tap.
  • Pulse coils again at 20 – 30 watts and check for hot spots, and leave to cool down for 30 seconds.
  • Start to rewick.
Weight 0.1 kg



We strive to provide the latest and best Vape Mods, Vape Tanks & Accessories, DIY eJuice, eliquids and One Shot Flavors The concentrated flavors we sell are provided by an international flavor company which has been engaged in the sale of flavors for many years. There are 100’s of food grade flavors but the flavors we sell have specifically been found to be excellent in Eliquid applications and our range will be expanding monthly while new flavors are being tested and added to the DIY Eliquid range.
Alien 327-X | Pre-build coils | AM KustOhm | Dual 0.12Ohm


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